Sunday, August 2, 2009

Whats wrong with my cat?

hes been fixed but has only had kitten shots a couple days ago he threw up in our bathroom and then later in the night threw up in our other bathroom then he hides under beds and couches u=i have not seen him eat or drink and when he tries to jump up onto something like a counter he goes nowhere but getting his front paws up
We recently lost the most beloved cat we ever had. We still count the days since she left us. Her symthoms (spelling?)were exactly as you described and it was kidney failure. Loss of appetite, failure to drink, hiding in the dark and weakness. I waited too long to take her to the vet and that is a regret that I have to live with. I urge you to bring your kitten back to the vet immediately as the kidneys do not last long with body dealing with starvation I was told. I would recommend you try to keep him hydrated with beef broth or water (not milk although it wouldn't hurt) with an eye dropper until you can take him to the vet.
He may be having a reaction to the vaccine. Call the vet ASAP.
Usually when your cat gets fixed he will be very lethargic, weak, and wobbly several days after. When I got my cat spayed, she acted drunk for several days after. The vomiting may be a reaction to meds, anesthetic, or dizziness. My cat will throw up every once in a while because she eats too fast then drinks water right after that causeing her to vomit. A lot of cats do this. But just to be on the safe side, call the vet and ask them what they think. Talk to them, they will know what to do so you don't have to worry about it. Good luck.
My kitten was really woozy for a day or so after he had all his shots - he barely opened his eyes, and ate hardly anything. He isolated himself a fair bit, but managed to get himself together after about a day.
I'd give the vet a quick call, and just find out if there's anything wierd about what he's doing, or if there's any way to help him out with eating/getting some water. And jump on it quicksmart, as you don't want him getting dehydrated through it all!

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